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BestPack 2" High-Speed Universal Tape Applicator Head ("AC" Model)
Quantity in stock: 4
Condition: Lightly used
Market Price: $1,435
Price per unit: $699 + shipping
Industrial tape heads are used to automatically dispense a roll of tape onto a surface (usually a shipping box). Each tape head can be adjusted to a left-hand or right-hand configuration. We bought four of them for a manufacturing machine design that later became obsolete. The tape heads are in excellent condition.
supplier's website • marketing brochure • machine diagram

Kemper System STS HeatBloc-Ultra
Low-Emissivity Paint
Quantity in stock: 1
Condition: Nearly full
Price per unit: FREE + shipping
Low-emissivity paint can be applied to a rooftop to reflect heat away from a building. We used a small amount of this paint for thermal experiments, but the buckets are still mostly full. Fair warning: The alumina in the paint acts like glitter, and it can get everywhere if you aren't careful.
supplier's website • specifications
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Hy-Tech Barrier Coat Low-Emissivity Paint
Quantity in stock: 1
Condition: Nearly full
Price per unit: FREE + shipping
Low-emissivity paint can be applied to a rooftop to reflect heat away from a building. We used a small amount of this paint for thermal experiments, but the bucket is still mostly full.
supplier's website
Contact us for a free shipping quote.

Thermo-Pan HVAC Duct Sheeting
Quantity in stock: 16 x 47.5" (2 sheets), ~ 12 x 15" (2 boxes full),
~ 6 x 12" (3 boxes full)
Price per unit: FREE + shipping
Thermo-Pan is essentially aluminized cardboard. Its intended use-case is in creating air ducts between joists. The Owlfly team was using Thermo-Pan as the primary structure of our YellowJacket prototypes up until mid-2024, but it ultimately did not meet our stringent requirements for non-combustible materials.
supplier's website • specifications
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Damaged Books
Quantity in stock: Usually 3 or 4
Condition: Damaged
Price per unit: FREE + shipping
About 1 in 200 books we receive from the printer are damaged in some way and cannot be sold. We donate all of our damaged books to art programs in need of illustrated materials for scrapbooking and collages (though you may request them for any purpose). Anything that cannot be reused is recycled.
Contact us for a free shipping quote.
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